Starting at the top category, Color Palette, we can quickly add our color scheme to the entire site. Here we define the color palette used for the entire website. Sticking to one simple color palette creates an enjoyable and professional look. The colors we choose will automatically be assigned to backgrounds, text and other elements.… More
Theme Setup: Branding
Here we can setup the basic branding for the site. This covers the site title and tagline, the small icon in the browser tab and the main logo for the site. We can see the site title can appear i the menu bar as well as the large site header. The tagline can be displayed in… More
Theme Setup: Typography
The unique Customizer provided with this theme gives us a large number of options for the typography of all aspects of the website. This covers the standard font, size and color settings, but stretches into placement, overrides and special relationships between typography elements. Body Typography As it sounds, here we can set up the font,… More
Theme Setup: Home Page Header Background
Here we can setup the page header for the “Home” and “Front” pages. Note: All font settings for the page head area are found in the Typography section. Click “Add new image” to upload an image from your computer. This theme works best with an image with a header size of 1280 × 720 pixels — we will be able to… More
Body & Content Backgrounds
Here we can setup the background for the body and the main content area. An image selected in the “Background Image” control will become the main background image for the entire page. We can set “Background Attachment” to “Fixed” to make the image stay put while the user scrolls creating a parallax effect. Other setting… More
Theme Setup: Home/Front Page
Here we can define and adjust the “Home” and “Front” pages. We can choose what is displayed on the first page of this site. It can be a standard blog page with posts in reverse chronological order, or a fixed/static page. To set a static first page, we first need to create two pages. One… More
Theme Setup: Widget areas
There are four widget areas in this theme. These widget areas make it easy to add and remove functionality to the user experience. The four areas are the sidebar and three separate widget areas in the footer. To add widgets, simply open the widget area, click the “Add a Widget” button and select the widget… More