Here we can setup the page header for the “Home” and “Front” pages.
Note: All font settings for the page head area are found in the Typography section.
Click “Add new image” to upload an image from your computer. This theme works best with an image with a header size of 1280 × 720 pixels — we will be able to crop your image once you upload it for a perfect fit.
If we prefer a color, we can set the page head background to a color. NOTE: THIS WILL COVER OVER ANY IMAGE SET BELOW.
Because the color covers the image, we have the ability to tint the image! We do this by setting the color transparency (slider on the far right) to something less than 100%. Setting the transparency slider around half way down will usually provide an ideal tint, but more or less can be used if desired. If we wish to only see the image with no tinting, click the “Clear” button to remove the color completely.